Normandy Cruises was created in 2013, with the acquisition of Lutece, passenger transport launch built in 1964 and who arrived in Rouen for the last festivities of l’Armada.
Initially assigned to serve the Glénan islands in southern Brittany, this boat designed to sail at sea, offers all the security guarantees, stability and comfort for the walk and the transport of its passengers.
Normandie Croisières offers individuals and companies the opportunity to experience private or professional events on the Seine between Paris and Caudebec aboard the Lutèce, a boat offering spacious and original setting, with all amenities, cuisine, bar, sound system etc..
Ces trois-là se connaissent bien. Ils ont formé 11 ans durant la rythmique du 5tet « Renza-Bô », groupe avec lequel ils ont parcouru les plus grandes scènes de France, et d’autres en Europe.
Les 23/24/25 juin de Lery Poses à Rouen Normandie en Seine proposera des animations Culturelles et sportives et soutiendra la candidature de Paris aux Jeux Olympiques 2024.